Sunshine for the Soul

I received a phone call this morning from a friend that works in health. To say that she sounded stressed is an understatement. “Everyone is so busy saving lives.” I can’t imagine the residual trauma she is facing. I felt at a loss how to help her, except to be a compassionate witness.

I knew she needed a pick me up, some compassion, and reassurance. I wish I could do it in person (she is limiting contact outside of work).

I pondered during the day what I could do for her. I decided to send her some sunshine – a bright and vibrant bouquet of flowers that would bring a smile to her face. Lo and behold I went online and found a bouquet aptly named Sunshine Bouquet (at Costco no less!)

I am taking pleasure in anticipating her joy in receiving a surprise bouquet of flowers. I also feel grateful that she will know by this small token that she is valued and appreciated. In my eyes she is a healthcare hero, which I said as much on the gift card.

I’d much rather she receive a bouquet of flowers when she is alive and can appreciate them, rather than if she were dead and I sent them for the memorial.

Celebrate your loved ones while they are alive.

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